Saturday, August 24, 2013

China's 3D bio printer 'Re-human' to create scaffolds for cardiac repair

China unveiled their Regenovo 3D bio-printer. Unlike other 3D printers, which work with plastic or metal powder, Regenovo prints living tissue.

This 3D bio printer can print down to 15 microns and operate with temperatures ranging between 0 and 300 degrees Celsius. These advantages allow much wider material selection for 3D printing. Currently Unique has successfully printed scaffolds and bones with different precision and shapes using cultivated cells, for example the scaffolds for heart tissue constructs. Theoretically, when the biodegradable 3D printed scaffold is implanted into human body, it will be absorbed by the body in about a year.

According to Zhou GongYao, developer of Re-human, the team will soon apply for clinic trials of 3D printed scaffolds and bones. As soon as it obtains approval from medical institutions, it can then be applied to the human body.

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