at Wellcome Trust Sanger Institute have provided the first comprehensive
compendium of mutational processes that drive tumor development. Together,
these mutational processes explain most mutations found in 30 of the most
common cancer types. This new understanding of cancer development could help to
treat and prevent a wide-range of cancers.
mutational process leaves a particular pattern of mutations, an imprint or
signature, in the genomes of cancers it has caused. By studying 7,042 genomes
of people with the most common forms of cancer, the team uncovered more than 20
signatures of processes that mutate DNA. For many of the signatures, they also
identified the underlying biological process responsible.
All cancers
are caused by mutations in DNA occurring in cells of the body during a person’s
lifetime. Although we know that chemicals in tobacco smoke cause mutations in
lung cells that lead to lung cancers and ultraviolet light causes mutations in
skin cells that lead to skin cancers, we have remarkably little understanding
of the biological processes that cause the mutations which are responsible for
the development of most cancers.
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